
Wednesday 8 September 2021

Elevate your knowledge to elevate your business

We have all heard the mantra: “Knowledge is power”. It has the ability to make a physically weak person the strongest person in the world. Knowledge increases one’s potential or ability to succeed in the pursuit of their objectives. In this competitive era, the survival of news start-ups and small-scale businesses is a difficult task. Carrying the same set of knowledge, you had learned a year back or been practicing in business is not enough. You must emphasize on the need to elevate your knowledge. “Knowledge has to be improved, challenged and increased constantly with the change in time or it may vanish”.

A businessman should emphasize the need of elevating his knowledge. For instance, when you visit a shop to buy a mobile phone, the first thing you look upon is how your choice differs from other phones, whether the new features have been added to it, the software has been updated and whether the launcher has been upgraded, don’t you? All these qualities make a phone function faster and in an effective way. Thus, the business team which has the ability to continuously learn, upgrade and acquire new and better forms of knowledge can implement them in their day-to-day tasks and lead a much more productive outcome and earnings.

Today, the key aspect behind the success of top performers in every industry is that they always upgrade their knowledge and sharpen their and their worker skills. To elevate your knowledge is not a complex task. One can elevate his knowledge by reading various books, newspapers, magazines, journals, social media, keeping an eye on competitors’ strategies and success, etc. By analysing your customers choices and preferences around will help improve your perspective and understanding towards them. Having discussions with various communities where your business recides, lets your thoughts and ideas exchange and you achieve more clarity over your doubts. With the help of the internet, you gain access to any sort of topic or information related to your business reach. It will lead you to do more smart work. Whether there is a requirement or not, make sure you’re up-to-date with what’s happening in your work field, or you could lose credibility and potentially expose yourself to risks. Elevating your knowledge is necessary to build skills like reasoning and problem-solving which is very important to jump at a wise decision.

To elevate your knowledge is kind of self-motivated persistence in order to expand your skill set and get developed for future opportunities. It forms a part of your personal and professional development in an effort to help you reach your full potential. Expansion of knowledge is now at everyone’s fingertips. Those denying to make use of these opportunities will remain where they are, their capabilities diminishing in its importance.

To sum up, For new entrepreneurs gaining knowledge is a continuous and an important process in that decides their business survival and consistency. “The more knowledge we have the more power we possess.” It is important for your personal and professional development. It improves your ability or potential to achieve your desired goal and also helps you to act wisely in different situations. Being up to date and having the desire to learn assists you in several ways but the best part is that it helps you understand yourself as well as those around you better. Ultimately, it helps to create “a better version of you and your business”.


Friday 13 August 2021

Positive impact of covid 19: New perspective of life

The covid crisis has been destructive for millions of people around the world, and its impact goes far beyond the mental and physical effects of the situation. It has been found even that people without clinical depression, anxiety, or other mood chaos experienced poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Let me ask you a question: Could the pandemic crisis be seen as a personal wellbeing and growth opportunity? Ah, you would probably say, “Absolutely no way!”

If you are looking forward to some positive and productive approach, whether you be an entrepreneur, teacher or anyone, then this article is going to be a piece of cake for you!

At the heart of the pandemic, the crisis we all are facing is severe and challenging than most adversity that we were facing in our normal daily lives. And therein lies an incredible opportunity for us to use the situation to grow as well-developed personalities.

COVID-19 had disturbed our confidence in ourselves, our societies, our governments, and the many institutions that we have taken for granted and relied on in the past. At such times, COVID-19 helps evaluate our patience, resilience, and ability to deal with a deluge of daily threatening news we read or listen about to every day, both locally and globally. It helps us to develop leadership skills. We become much aware of the current situation and always choose an action that would be beneficial for us and our relatives. It would mainly result in more accuracy and productivity.

We all have been so busy living the ‘life,’ that most of us have missed those real, genuine moments we would have with our loved ones. The reasons could have been the hectic schedules, stressed out by over workload or anything else. Now, the COVID-19 situation has positively influenced the way we emote and maintain relationships. We get to spare a good time for oneself, our family and help plan your work better. We are able to manage your stress by sharing and caring together. This actually helps us build a better future for both our career and for our family. We get to spend quality time on the things you actually love. We can easily develop specific cognitive skills by sitting at home with the digital mode.

“Being hygienic is no longer just a good habit, but the very skill you need for survival."

Times have made people aware of how important it is to keep yourself clean. These recent times have made us all realize hygiene is not just about a habit but a need for survival today. From a handshake to Namaste, we all have had a lifestyle change for the good. We’re going to practice all those hygiene activities that we were not very serious about. covering your mouths while coughing, sanitizing our hands after touching anything else because we know what can happen if we don’t.

While much remains to be known about the COVID-19, the pandemic had a good impact on nutrition and dietary intake. We have become more concerned about our diet and moved towards home made and a healthy lifestyle. This pandemic has highlighted the interdependence of these various aspects, whereby the health of an individual became a direct function of his own awareness, care and choices. It helps to maintain the physical and mental health of individuals. Most importantly, the pandemic has emphasized on the need for physical exercise and health which has created spaces and recommendations for people to be encouraged and to continue practicing to be physically active during the lockdown.

The quarantine has absolutely welcomed lots of innovations, tricks and ideas. Many people have come up with various strategies and ideas that would enable you to identify and enhance your workflows and processes that play a crucial role for managing your tasks. This helps to complete your work quickly without any extra load. Practitioners can prepare people for today’s challenges by prioritizing reflective practice in learning, intentionally structuring learning journeys over time and through instructor-supported and problem-based learning. These approaches will ultimately help build the leaders we need and will prepare everyone to learn, discern and earn.

Few takeaways:

Everyone responds to challenges in their own way. If your mental health and well-being has benefited in some way from the COVID-19 pandemic, just focus on those positives—they’ll help you get through these difficult times. On the other hand, if you feel as if COVID-19 had a negative impact on your physical and mental health, then calm down, you’re definitely not alone. Do have a talk with your doctor. Retain the ability to perform daily tasks, make decisions, or enjoy things that would have previously made you happy. This would build a positive approach for living.

To sum up, just like Every coin has two faces. Pandemic has its two faces. If one is negative than the other is positive, pandemic has made us more aware of our self and made us realise the things that are actually important and highly matter in your life. Though, the battle against covid is hard and long, let’s look forward as this is a moment for maintaining hope for a better and brighter future. More significantly, learning the right lessons and extracting whatever good we can from this critical situation is the best way to honour those who have already suffered and sacrificed and the many who will do so in the months ahead.


Sunday 1 August 2021

Spiritual awakening: Need of todays business world

“Spiritual awakening”, you all have heard this word   once in your life, haven’t you? It’s rising demand and importance in the professional field made me wonder what it has to do with my business? How would a businessman benefit with it? If you have the same doubt, then this article should be a piece of cake for you.

The world is changing rapidly. Changes occurring at economic, technological, political, social and cultural levels have a profound effect on the business world, sometimes a destructive consequence is faced by the working individuals. Thus, today business organizations not only require that their employees should be intelligent and skilful in the workplace, but they also require them to be spiritually awakened. Businesses all around the world are emphasizing spiritual values among their employees to unlock their full potential.Let’s have a look at what is spiritual awakening in business all about!

The success of your business as an entrepreneur not only depends on your sharp intellect but also it depends greatly on your level of spiritual soundness. Thus, you have to be spiritually inclined and conscious of your business in order to succeed beyond the boundaries of expectations of people and yourself. Basically, it is understood that spirituality involves the attempt to seek one’s ultimate purpose in life, and spirituality in business involves developing a strong relation with oneself and one’s co-workers, having ideal beliefs and spiritual values. The spiritual values include values of work ethics, a good cause to work for the business, its empowerment, and expression of emotion, which plays an important role in the employee’s life. Many times, spiritual awakening is confused with religious tradition, but it isn’t true! It does not have a connection with any specific religion, rather it is based on the one’s own personal values and ideologies. Let’s have a look at the importance of spiritual awakening in business!

Importance of spiritual awakening

Leadership is the backbone of business. Spiritual awakening helps an entrepreneur to promote great leadership skills. One of the key aspects of spiritual awakening is self-awareness. Being a good leader always demands to be aware of yourself and your environment. It helps to promote your level of self-consciousness and in turn builds a magnificent leadership spirit. Every business organization should have a person who can uplift the spirit and encourage people in trying times. These leaders have inherent capacities to lead the team effectively. It evokes a sense of commitment to one’s work. Spirituality helps you to clear your mind’s obstructions and open a door of endless opportunities for yourself. Eventually, these results tend to have a positive impact on the bottom line of a business.

Money is the fundamental aspect of any business organization. It is the lifeblood of a business. Warren buffet once said, “if you cannot control your emotions, you cannot control your money”. Spirituality takes that charge of your life. It helps you control your emotions, your thoughts and your mind. One needs to observe his business environment with a neutralized perspective without expressing or creating any kind of emotional bias. It also allows you to take sound decisions regarding finance and other such activities which does not form a part of your emotional mind-set. 

The other pillar of spirituality is love. It will always make you realize that being successful is not just about finance or achieving goals, but it is about adding values to the lives around us. A businessman can build a sense of love and attachment to his work, his employees and his business environment with spirituality. It makes the business motivated to be socially responsible, to conduct donation drives and various welfare programmes as a respect towards its country, locality or environment in which it is operating. Spirituality awakens the importance of nature. Thus, the businessman would step forward to carry out nature friendly operations. Being green will not only save money but it will also attract customers who care about a company’s environmental footprint. 

To sum up, spiritual awakening in daily business routine enjoys widespread corporate interest. In this rapidly changing world, an individual is about to face some unwanted consequences. At such critical times, being spiritually awakened has become the need of today’s world. Today, businesses all over the world are also emphasizing the requirement of spirituality in their employees. It will not only help you in professional life, but will make you a better person overall.

Thus, use of Spiritual awakening as an important resource will take the organization towards holistic organizational excellence.

I hope this article helped you.

 Thank you


Friday 30 July 2021

Best and Most successful Home based business Ideas to start in 2021

Can you really start a successful business at your home? 
Answer is yes, you certainly can! 

Home based Businesses stands out to be profitable and rewarding at the same time. Today, due to lockdown and social distancing, people are eager to find ways to earn money sitting at home. Fortunately, it stands out to be a great opportunity to begin with your's too. There are many home based business ideas to spark your thinking.

What is the best home based business to start with? How to decide it?

The best home business is the one that meets the most of your requirements easily. Home based businesses are basically started with the resources you already have or which you can easily have. 

Make a list of the what factors are important to you as an entrepreneur: 
  1. Resource availability
  2. See that it provides you a good income
  3. Flexible schedule
  4. Independence
  5. You have work-life balance
  6. Low startup costs
  7. Something within your skill level and experience
  8. Interesting work you have a passion for.
  9. Add up more things to your list.
It may seem a bit difficult task at first point. However, once you started reaping the lifestyle benefits of being your own boss and hustling your way into making money with your business ideas than you ever thought. 

So, let's have a look at best 11 home based business ideas for 2021.

1) Online Tutoring:

Online tutoring provides you a wider scope to succeed as an entrepreneur. Its demand has opened up a wide possibility for entrepreneurs to start their own business. Since, this is an online home based business idea, you can choose any subject that you have already mastered or you are knowledgeable about and try to reach a large number of  people regardless of your location. If you don't pertain advanced knowledge in any particular subject, you can always consider teaching English as a language online to students overseas.

2) Start a blog:

If you have flair for words, then blogging is something you can start with.
Briefly speaking, about 1000 websites are created per minute and hosted online. It may seem a huge number, but the truth is that most of the websites fail to offer the quality of content that readers like and want to be associated with.
Only few bloggers offer the kind of evergreen content that is desired by readers, that keep them engaged and eventually makes them the life long readers and customers.

This provides you with potential business opportunities if you have flair for words. By starting a blog and monetizing it will be one of the way to earn a living online. The earning potential here is immense.

Essentials for setting up your blogging journey:
  • Creating evergreen, engaging, current and relevant content.
  • Content should be easy to understand.
  • Properly design and structure your website which provides your audience an ease to surf through.
  • Find a niche that gets a lot of traffic
  • Make use of right keywords that will help drive traffic to your website
  • Monetize your blog through avenues such as Google Ads or selling your own merchandise on it.

3) Art related business:

It takes lots of hours of  practice, precision, and patience to become a good artist, and because it's so time-intensive, many people are looking forward to start this business.

If you're one amongst people who enjoy painting, sketching and do it well, you're already in an exceedingly great position to begin your own Art based business that has the potential to be very profitable. Art stands to be one of the trending industry in today's world. This provides you an opportunity to showcase your talent and earn  a good income either by selling your art pieces or undertaking Commission work.
Looking up at the very fact that it's easy to start and it is also ideal for those seeking part-time income. Its startup costs are minimal too.

4) Reselling business:

From books, paintings to collectibles, the opportunity to begin a reselling business is endless. Basically, a reseller stands out to be a businessman who buys a selected product from a manufacturer, wholesaler or vendor at a lower cost and “resells” it at a far higher cost, either online or through traditional offline channels. The resell business model tends to possess a wider scope. There are many businesses that have reselling as their major source of living. They earn a major part of income by supplementing their revenue streams with these resale goods. You can either be a channel partner of manufacturer, vendor otherwise you can work as an affiliate there. A good money can be earned through reselling business. As you begin to research on reselling business opportunities and ideas, try and formulize your ambition with your business plan. It will help you determine clear goals and an overall view of how you are going to hit those goals. During this lockdown, you can start your online business rather than a traditional one, which probably requires an occasional Investment.

5) Web design and development:

Although it's easier to make a website using available templates and platforms. But to manage them becomes a task for several businesses. Thus, such businesses prefers to hire a web designer to build and manage their websites. Web designer does not just act as a technical geek but an artist as well. They have to pay attention on the website's look and it's functioning as well. Not a necessity, but if you also possess some knowledge of coding and programming, it will increase your opportunities as well as income.
Starting this business you may require some up-front investment, especially in software. As a web designer you are not required to possess any specific training or certification as long as you have skills to develop and manage a website. Be careful while choosing the target market and try to offer unique things to which your audience gets impressed.

Essentials for being for a web designer:
  • Should have an eye for creating attractive design and layout.
  • Your work should serve the purpose.
  • Organize and we'll structure your site so that it provides easy navigation for your audience
  • knowing Coding languages, such as CSS, Python, Ruby, SQL and/or ASP, can increase marketability and value.

6) Animation and video creation

Have you expertised or keen in making animated videos or images? There are various platforms like YouTube, Pinterest, and other social media websites through which it has become easy to begin your animated video and image creation journey. It is one of the trending and profitable business idea. You just have to select a particular niche, create and upload videos or images on it. Today, there is a huge demand for video creators .With the help of digitalization and constant technological advancements, it has become easy to reach your potential audience and clients. Many businesses require a conspicuous videos, images and posters to promote their products, policies and services to attract customers and to get a competitive edge over the business rivalries. So, Being a creator, you can provide services to such businesses and earn a better income sitting at home.

7) Home based bakery/catering business:

If you like to cook, then this home based business are often the simplest option for you. The sole that you just must understand is that you would have to make food on a large scale.

This business can be handled by yourself or You may require 1-2 people to handle this business as you would need some help in organizing, marketing, planning, and cooking. Or you can just approach your nearest bakery/food zone and sell it to them. They will further do all the work of selling, promoting and handling your products and you will get paid for the same.

This business would not require much capital. You can earn better income this business; all you need to ensure is that you provide quality food service.

8) Freelance writer:

Today most of the businesses have become online, there has also been an increase in demand for content writers. If you are a natural wordsmith, you possess excellent knowledge of usage of word and writing skills, then you are in a great position to become a freelance writer. Freelance writers work from all around the world, and you can too be one of them, sitting at home and providing services all over the world.

Essentials to become a successful writer:
  • you should have good command over your grammar and language.
  • learn to do proper research on the content before writing, avoid statements that hurt someone's sentiments or create a hatred for you.
  • Should posses some technical knowledge for editing of work.
In this business, you just have to accept orders from various other businesses and complete the work for them. It is best suitable for students,  homemakers, and people who have a passion for writing. You can earn a decent amount in this business.

9) Event management:

Many businesses and events require professional experts for hosting or managing their events whether it’s big or small. The need has grown exponentially. Now a days most of the events are held online. It brings you an opportunity to work from home ,no matter wherever is the event conducted. Event promoter stands out to be a sensible business idea that can be started with Low to moderate investment. Success is guaranteed in this enterprise. If you have good negotiating skills, good command over language, right contacts and impressive marketing techniques than why wait! Just begin with your journey.

10) Pet sitting:

Are you passionate about pets? Your love for animals and birds, your trustworthiness and consistent availability, can be a sign that you could be successful in starting your own pet-sitting business journey. 

The pet sitting business does not require much investment. While setting your pet sitting business, you'll require some basic pet supplies which are quite affordable. In most cases, pet owners will provide you their own supplies, such as leashes, that they and their pets prefer. Start selling services to your neighbors first, it might be the easiest way to begin your journey with, gradually build a strong client base by establishing a relationship with area pet stores and veterinarians. This will also help you to promote your business. 

11) Jewellery making:

Hey creative! if you are looking up for a business where you can use your creative and innovative abilities, then this business idea stands for you. The major advantage is you don’t need to have huge investments or have to be a certified jeweller to start this business. All you need is your creativity at its edge. Start your business. Try to create new and trendy styles, using simple materials instead of going for metals like gold and silver. If you have a good online knowledge, try to promote your business through websites and apps. Or can start selling on various e commerce platforms. Not only jewellery, but you can try selling various creative arts like diyas, necklace, showpieces, etc.

So these were the most cost effective and profitable business that you can try out! I hope this article helps you to find your best!
All the best !!

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Affiliate marketing in 2021: It's working and benefits!

Everyone desires a way through which they can earn money sitting at home. But, is it really possible to have such a comfortable income source? Sounds interesting, isn't it? What if I unreveal the secret of that income source to you! Not only for salaried or business people, but this article is also gonna be useful if you are a student or a homemaker who wishes to have a lucrative revenue stream being at home.

Let's have a look.

# What is Affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a process in which an affiliate(you) get commission for promoting other businesses products and services. As an affiliate, you just need to promote and sale a product. With every sale you can earn a predetermined commission. The sales you make are tracked via affiliate links you share. It not only benefits affiliates but also benefits the seller in a long run.

# How affiliate marketing actually works?

Affiliate marketing is one kind of online marketing. Businesses pay to their affiliate based on their promotion and sales performance which is tracked via affiliate links.

Basically, you can say, the 3 major parties of affiliate marketing are:

1) The seller ( business, advertisers, etc)

2) The affiliate ( The publisher or promoter )

3) The customer

# Who are the sellers?

The sellers are companies (also known as merchants and advertiser) who are willing to pay commissions to their affiliates who promote their products. These companies partner with affiliates with an aim to generate more leads and sales. Affiliate companies or the sellers pay commission to affiliates for helping them to acheive their aim. The rate of commission is predetermined and can be different for different products. Every affiliate company has their own and different commission rates. 

# Who are Affiliates?

An affiliate can be an individual or a company. An affiliate uses their skills as a promoter to refer their audience to a company's product. Mostly they promote the products and services by writing posts, making videos, banner ads and other marketing strategies. When the affiliate's audience purchases a product or avail services through affiliate link, the affiliate marketer gets commission for the same. 

# What is an affiliate link?

Whenever you sign with a company's affiliate program, you become eligible to promote and earn commissions through the sales you make. Select the product you want to promote to your audience. Obtain that product's Affiliate link. It's just acts as an unique link that contains your username or ID. You just have to share or mention this link wherever you are promoting that company's product whether it be on your website or other social media platforms. If a customer clicks or make purchases via your affiliate link, a cookie is dropped in a company's browser to make a track and subsequently based on the performance, commission is paid to you.

# On what basis payments are made to affiliates?

As an affiliate, you get paid based on your performance. Following are the 3 types of performance-based models common to affiliate marketing:

  • Pay-per-click(PPC) : An affiliate gets paid for all the genuine clicks generated regardless of whether it resulted in sales or leads.
  • Pay-per-lead(PPL) : In this case, An affiliate earns commission for every action that gets generated after a click. These actions may include installation of an app, online form submission, submitting a survey and free trial sign up, etc.
  • Pay-per-sales(PPS) : Here, an affiliate gets paid for generating sales. For every sale generated, he gets a predetermined percent of commission. 

# Perks of being an affiliate marketer:

1) Low startup costs: 

Most of the startup requires startup fees to finance the product and services being sold. But, there is no Affiliate program fees to worry about and one can quickly start without much hassle. All yon need is to possess essential skills to promote your products, reach and retain your customers. You don't require a special advertising visuals and space to get started with it.

2) Work and earn from Home: 

If you are looking up for earning a lucrative income sitting at home you can go for an affiliate program. You’ll be able to provide services and receive revenue from the products that sellers create while working from the comfort of your own home. If you are a student, it's a great opportunity to start something new. It is something that requires less formalities, without any complexities.

3) No qualification required: 

There is no standard qualification to become an affiliate marker. However, One should have good command over language and communication. Knowing to write an engaging blog post, adding a great review or creating a promotional video for products is all a big plus because they mean you don’t have to pay for content in the beginning. Any additional marketing skill you possess will be a great advantage to you.

4) Flexible and profitable: 

Affiliate Marketing is one the flexible money generation source. Like other jobs, you don't need to always be in front of your device to deal with your audience. Affiliate marketing provides you the ability to earn while you sleep. You just have to invest some time to construct your site with effective marketing strategies. Thus, even if you’re not in front of your device, your marketing skills will be earning a steady income for you.

5) Performance-Based rewards.

In jobs, you  work every month but still earn the same salary. Affiliate marketing on the other side is purely based on your performance. "As you sow, so shall you reap". Honing your marketing skills and writing engaging campaigns will translate to direct growth in your revenue. You’ll finally get paid for your outstanding skill work you do!

Start Earning Today!

There’s no limit to what you can earn with affiliate marketing. With your efforts you can absolutely create an incredible business model sitting at home. 

You are just 5 steps away from success

All you need to do is:

1) Search and join an appropriate affiliate program.

2) Choose a particular niche to promote.

3) Obtain a unique affiliate link for each offer.

4) Share those affiliate links on your blog, social media platforms, or website.

5) Earn commission everytime a customer visits your links to make a purchase.

Now that you know how affiliate marketing works, why not test the waters? Why wait! Just go and grab this wonderful opportunity! After all, it could be your golden goose, but you’ll never know unless you try!





Wednesday 9 June 2021

Top 8 highest paid jobs and trending careers in India 2021

Worried about your career? Confused between multiple career choices? Trying to figure out what career choice will help you land the highest paying and trending jobs in India? Then this article is going to be a piece of cake for you.

In this competitive world, to choose a right career and job for yourself is a huge task. The career we chose should not only help us learn more but earn more. Money, the key aspect to fulfil your desire to live a lucrative and luxurious life. Thus, in order to live this dream, one should start thinking about their career as early as possible. Today there are multiple roles in diverse industrial structures that can provide a secure future and help you earn more. Prepare yourself for the future challenges and opportunities. Keep yourself updated and try to upgrade your knowledge.

Following are the highest paid jobs in India:

1. MEDICAL professionals:

A medical profession is the oldest and the most respected one. This is the profession of inherent stability as it isn’t susceptible to downfall as compared to other careers. Not only during this pandemic situation but also in normal cases. This becomes even more important in countries where recession is still an issue and even youngsters are unable to find a job for themselves. In India, Population is vast. Thus, it is not surprising that many people face health issues. The ratio of available doctors to patients is really low in India which makes a point to choose this as a career.

A career in medicine carries the unique opportunity to help others build healthy relationship, communication and commitment. It’s overlooked many a times, but medical profession provides a broad range of opportunities for a future job in field of medicine. There are over 60 specialties you can choose from. As a medical student you have 6 years to decide in what field you are interested in.

You can choose to be Doctors, Dentists, Ayurvedic Doctors, BHMS Doctors or even Physiotherapists. High earning doctors mostly take highly promising PG course which is a kind of specialization after MBBS! Specialization in fields of Cardiology, Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Dermatology, Pathology, etc will help one build a financially and socially rewarding career after MBBS!

As a doctor you may generally choose to work in Government/Private Hospitals or even start your own Private Clinic. Earning of a Doctor depends a lot on his/her skills.

Expected Salary package:

  • Freshers: Rs 4.8 lakh p.a
  • Intermediate: Rs 8.10 lakh p.a
  • Experienced: Rs 17 lakh p.a

2. IT AND SOFTWARE professional:

IT is one of the extensive and fastest growing sectors worldwide providing jobs full of opportunities for your professional success. Today with everything being digitalized, IT companies are looking for professionals to hire because the demand is increasing and there aren’t enough qualified aspirants to fill the gap. Thus, as a professional you can easily get hired as compared to other professions. A lot of entrepreneurial firms hire software and IT professions because they are the backbone of the digital industry and the path to reach their global customers. The initiatives like digital india have created a boom in Indian IT industry. Even, multinationals are looking forward to hire the praise worthy Indian software and IT professionals. Depending on the skills and the precision required for a job, the salaries are defined.

Expected salary package:

  • Beginners: Rs 3.5 lakh p.a
  • Intermediate: Rs 8.3 lakh p.a
  • Experienced: Rs 15.5 lakh p.a


Chartered accountants is one of the top ranker job in our list. The chartered accountants drive businesses in their financial upfront. The profession is very flexible as they can find job in every industry because every business irrespective of their size, needs financial professionals to manage their funds. and provide financial expertise to manage the business money well. It is one of the stable and secure profession you can choose. If you are looking for a global opportunity than pursuing CA could be a great idea. You need to get CA certification inorder to become a CA. If you have better business understanding, strong problem-solving skills then it is made for you. Salary of CA’s are quite impressive.

They provide accountancy, tax, and audit services to clients and help understand concepts just like the GST reform, any change in taxation policies, or salary related issues.

Expected salary package:

  • Beginners: Rs. 5.5 lakh p.a
  • Intermediate: Rs 12.8 lakh p.a
  • Experienced: Rs 25.7 lakh p.a

4. MANAGEMENT professionals:

It is an ideal career choice for individuals who are looking for an introduction in the business world. It provides you with a wide range of managerial and leadership skills that are required for a job and makes you Job ready. If you think you have better team spirit, communication and problem solving skills then you are absolutely fit for this career. You will receive a better understanding of the competitive marketplace in which we all are living. If you dream to start your own company or wanna move up the corporate ladder into a high or managerial position, then this course is very important as it helps you to build various aspects of business management.

Expected salary package:

  • Beginners: Rs 4-7 lakh p.a
  • Intermediate: Rs 10-20 lakh p.a
  • Experienced: Rs 30-50 lakh p.a


This is one of the professions which would hardly face any downfall. Skilled and intelligent Lawyers are always in demand. Lawyers gain huge respect and are also well paid as they always save from all the legal obligations. Choosing lawyer as a profession provides you with multiple field options in which you can specialize in. It includes matters of family, corporate, business, labor, intellectual property, criminal, bankruptcy, civil litigation, real estate, and entertainment lawyer. If you have good communication skill and a strong root in understanding law then this profession is absolutely made for you.

Expected salary package:

  • Beginners: Rs. 1-5 lakh p.a
  • Consultant- senior Attorney: Rs 9.5 lakh p.a
  • Corporate lawyer: Rs 5-6 lakh p.a


With this profession, one can really make a great difference in a society. You become confident enough to raise various questions and stand by people. This profession is valued and is of high respect. Good communication, Good writing, creativity, thinking out of box, Improved research ability, building strong networks, good inter personal relationship and commitment to work can be developed while pursuing this profession. If you think you have most of them, then this profession is made for you. J&MC have opportunities galore not just in news and media sector but also in various other sectors like newspaper and magazines, Radio AM and FM, TV channels ( reporting, editing, production,etc), PR agencies, Advertising agencies, Event management companies, Lecturers, Travel journalism, Freelance opportunities, in corporate, NGO's and government sectors,etc.

Expected salary package:

Rs 3 lakh p.a to Rs 50 lakh p.a based on experience in the sector.


Civil services are one of the prestigious and highly respected profession in India. It guarantees you a secured job with high salary. It changes people’s outlook towards you. They value you more as a civil service servant. To become a civil sevant you need to clear its examination. These examinations are conducted every year. Thousands of aspirants appear for this exam. This profession comes with considerable and responsibility to implement and develop policies and programmes, maintaining law & order, upliftment of society, representing India on the global platform, and overall administration activities of the nation. It implements good communication skill, build leadership skills, improves decision making ability with patience and team spirit within you.

Expected salary package:

IAS, IFS, IRS & IPS Officers – Rs. 56,000 – 2,50,000 per month (Plus House Rent Allowance, Travel Allowance and Dearness Allowance as part of current 7th pay commission)


Investment bankers work with financial institutions like bank and firms to raise capital through equity or debt management. It is highly demanded nowadays as it is for a fast-paced environment where agile decisions can make a huge lift in the financial fate of the organisation. It is known to be one of the high paying jobs in India. An investment is expected to have a better knowledge of market trading activities and profitable securities. Based on their knowledge, they helps their client (a bank or a firm) to take investing decision to invest their money wisely to achieve the highest possible returns. You need to have better market understanding, keep yourself updated and excellent communication skills to be a part of this profession.

Expected salary package:

  • Beginner: Rs 12 lakh p.a
  • Intermediate: Rs 30 lakh p.a
  • Experienced: Rs 50 lakh p.a

Hope this article helps you! Thank you