
Friday 13 August 2021

Positive impact of covid 19: New perspective of life

The covid crisis has been destructive for millions of people around the world, and its impact goes far beyond the mental and physical effects of the situation. It has been found even that people without clinical depression, anxiety, or other mood chaos experienced poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Let me ask you a question: Could the pandemic crisis be seen as a personal wellbeing and growth opportunity? Ah, you would probably say, “Absolutely no way!”

If you are looking forward to some positive and productive approach, whether you be an entrepreneur, teacher or anyone, then this article is going to be a piece of cake for you!

At the heart of the pandemic, the crisis we all are facing is severe and challenging than most adversity that we were facing in our normal daily lives. And therein lies an incredible opportunity for us to use the situation to grow as well-developed personalities.

COVID-19 had disturbed our confidence in ourselves, our societies, our governments, and the many institutions that we have taken for granted and relied on in the past. At such times, COVID-19 helps evaluate our patience, resilience, and ability to deal with a deluge of daily threatening news we read or listen about to every day, both locally and globally. It helps us to develop leadership skills. We become much aware of the current situation and always choose an action that would be beneficial for us and our relatives. It would mainly result in more accuracy and productivity.

We all have been so busy living the ‘life,’ that most of us have missed those real, genuine moments we would have with our loved ones. The reasons could have been the hectic schedules, stressed out by over workload or anything else. Now, the COVID-19 situation has positively influenced the way we emote and maintain relationships. We get to spare a good time for oneself, our family and help plan your work better. We are able to manage your stress by sharing and caring together. This actually helps us build a better future for both our career and for our family. We get to spend quality time on the things you actually love. We can easily develop specific cognitive skills by sitting at home with the digital mode.

“Being hygienic is no longer just a good habit, but the very skill you need for survival."

Times have made people aware of how important it is to keep yourself clean. These recent times have made us all realize hygiene is not just about a habit but a need for survival today. From a handshake to Namaste, we all have had a lifestyle change for the good. We’re going to practice all those hygiene activities that we were not very serious about. covering your mouths while coughing, sanitizing our hands after touching anything else because we know what can happen if we don’t.

While much remains to be known about the COVID-19, the pandemic had a good impact on nutrition and dietary intake. We have become more concerned about our diet and moved towards home made and a healthy lifestyle. This pandemic has highlighted the interdependence of these various aspects, whereby the health of an individual became a direct function of his own awareness, care and choices. It helps to maintain the physical and mental health of individuals. Most importantly, the pandemic has emphasized on the need for physical exercise and health which has created spaces and recommendations for people to be encouraged and to continue practicing to be physically active during the lockdown.

The quarantine has absolutely welcomed lots of innovations, tricks and ideas. Many people have come up with various strategies and ideas that would enable you to identify and enhance your workflows and processes that play a crucial role for managing your tasks. This helps to complete your work quickly without any extra load. Practitioners can prepare people for today’s challenges by prioritizing reflective practice in learning, intentionally structuring learning journeys over time and through instructor-supported and problem-based learning. These approaches will ultimately help build the leaders we need and will prepare everyone to learn, discern and earn.

Few takeaways:

Everyone responds to challenges in their own way. If your mental health and well-being has benefited in some way from the COVID-19 pandemic, just focus on those positives—they’ll help you get through these difficult times. On the other hand, if you feel as if COVID-19 had a negative impact on your physical and mental health, then calm down, you’re definitely not alone. Do have a talk with your doctor. Retain the ability to perform daily tasks, make decisions, or enjoy things that would have previously made you happy. This would build a positive approach for living.

To sum up, just like Every coin has two faces. Pandemic has its two faces. If one is negative than the other is positive, pandemic has made us more aware of our self and made us realise the things that are actually important and highly matter in your life. Though, the battle against covid is hard and long, let’s look forward as this is a moment for maintaining hope for a better and brighter future. More significantly, learning the right lessons and extracting whatever good we can from this critical situation is the best way to honour those who have already suffered and sacrificed and the many who will do so in the months ahead.


Sunday 1 August 2021

Spiritual awakening: Need of todays business world

“Spiritual awakening”, you all have heard this word   once in your life, haven’t you? It’s rising demand and importance in the professional field made me wonder what it has to do with my business? How would a businessman benefit with it? If you have the same doubt, then this article should be a piece of cake for you.

The world is changing rapidly. Changes occurring at economic, technological, political, social and cultural levels have a profound effect on the business world, sometimes a destructive consequence is faced by the working individuals. Thus, today business organizations not only require that their employees should be intelligent and skilful in the workplace, but they also require them to be spiritually awakened. Businesses all around the world are emphasizing spiritual values among their employees to unlock their full potential.Let’s have a look at what is spiritual awakening in business all about!

The success of your business as an entrepreneur not only depends on your sharp intellect but also it depends greatly on your level of spiritual soundness. Thus, you have to be spiritually inclined and conscious of your business in order to succeed beyond the boundaries of expectations of people and yourself. Basically, it is understood that spirituality involves the attempt to seek one’s ultimate purpose in life, and spirituality in business involves developing a strong relation with oneself and one’s co-workers, having ideal beliefs and spiritual values. The spiritual values include values of work ethics, a good cause to work for the business, its empowerment, and expression of emotion, which plays an important role in the employee’s life. Many times, spiritual awakening is confused with religious tradition, but it isn’t true! It does not have a connection with any specific religion, rather it is based on the one’s own personal values and ideologies. Let’s have a look at the importance of spiritual awakening in business!

Importance of spiritual awakening

Leadership is the backbone of business. Spiritual awakening helps an entrepreneur to promote great leadership skills. One of the key aspects of spiritual awakening is self-awareness. Being a good leader always demands to be aware of yourself and your environment. It helps to promote your level of self-consciousness and in turn builds a magnificent leadership spirit. Every business organization should have a person who can uplift the spirit and encourage people in trying times. These leaders have inherent capacities to lead the team effectively. It evokes a sense of commitment to one’s work. Spirituality helps you to clear your mind’s obstructions and open a door of endless opportunities for yourself. Eventually, these results tend to have a positive impact on the bottom line of a business.

Money is the fundamental aspect of any business organization. It is the lifeblood of a business. Warren buffet once said, “if you cannot control your emotions, you cannot control your money”. Spirituality takes that charge of your life. It helps you control your emotions, your thoughts and your mind. One needs to observe his business environment with a neutralized perspective without expressing or creating any kind of emotional bias. It also allows you to take sound decisions regarding finance and other such activities which does not form a part of your emotional mind-set. 

The other pillar of spirituality is love. It will always make you realize that being successful is not just about finance or achieving goals, but it is about adding values to the lives around us. A businessman can build a sense of love and attachment to his work, his employees and his business environment with spirituality. It makes the business motivated to be socially responsible, to conduct donation drives and various welfare programmes as a respect towards its country, locality or environment in which it is operating. Spirituality awakens the importance of nature. Thus, the businessman would step forward to carry out nature friendly operations. Being green will not only save money but it will also attract customers who care about a company’s environmental footprint. 

To sum up, spiritual awakening in daily business routine enjoys widespread corporate interest. In this rapidly changing world, an individual is about to face some unwanted consequences. At such critical times, being spiritually awakened has become the need of today’s world. Today, businesses all over the world are also emphasizing the requirement of spirituality in their employees. It will not only help you in professional life, but will make you a better person overall.

Thus, use of Spiritual awakening as an important resource will take the organization towards holistic organizational excellence.

I hope this article helped you.

 Thank you
